The Teacher and Student Training Continuum

The open-access A Learner’s Toolkit project will bring together schools and international researchers to investigate the impact of the preparatory and longitudinal approach on equipping and training students (and supporting teachers). This approach addresses the limitations with conventional methods that sees one-off lectures or isolated lessons around learner behaviours and study strategies. These conventional approaches do not get to the heart of the sustained training that supports students in rejecting ineffective and inefficient strategies and adopting those that lead to improved and sustained learning outcomes.

A core element of the project is delivering a fully sequenced and resource Teacher and Student Training continuum. The continuum is built on the theoretical foundation of the project’s Critical Friend Professor Mark McDaniel and his colleague Gil Einstein’s Knowledge, Beliefs, Commitment and Planning (KBCP) Framework. This program begins by building student metacognitive awareness and knowledge of the applicability and utility of various high-impact study strategies across their subjects. From this knowledge, the program’s training shifts to create a sequence of learning that focuses on belief by building student self-efficacy that an investment in these strategies can pay off. In the later stages of the continuum, the focus of the training shifts from the teacher to the students, with modelling and training aimed to foster opportunities for them to self-regulate their learning.

Proven Results

Discover the results of our 4-year program at the Anglican Church Grammar School, Brisbane.

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Secondary Schools

Explore the totality of our program, with resources specially developed for secondary teachers.

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Relieve study stress and improve your results with this approach to study.

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Everything a parent needs to know to support their child’s learning to achieve their potential.

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Proven Results

Discover the results of our 4-year program at the Anglican Church Grammar School, Brisbane.

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Secondary Schools

Explore the totality of our program, with resources specially developed for secondary teachers.

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Relieve study stress and improve your results with this approach to study.

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Everything a parent needs to know to support their child’s learning to achieve their potential.

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